sliding scale
Sliding Scale
Every body deserves access to healing and wellness. The truth is, many folks struggle to find accessible wellness or support on their journey. Through the generosity of other practitioners, their work, and their sliding scale options, I am here with capacity to share these energetic realignment offerings. For me - the pursuit of healing has always been rooted in the understanding that none of us are healed until we are all healed, none of us are liberated until we are all liberated. In implementing this sliding scale system - inspired by the work and words of Alexis J. Cunningfolk at Worts and Cunning - my hope is that my offerings will now be available for a wider range one folks in hopes to lower any barriers to receiving support on their healing journey.
“A sliding scale is a tool for building economic justice, and it requires your active participation. If a sliding scale is implemented effectively, everyone pays a similar percentage of their income for the same products or services. A wide range of payment options across the scale promotes broader accessibility, while ensuring fair compensation to the producer. Paying according to one’s available resources creates a more equitable system for pricing of products and services.” - Holly Poole-Kavana, Little Red Bird Botanicals
In full transparency, I am a first-generation Filipina American, solopreneur, and small business owner. I do not receive any funding to supplement sliding scale discounts. These price points are reflections of what I can offer while still being able to meet my own means and support my family.
Above, you’ll find a graph with four bottles with varying levels of fullness. Each bottle contains sentences that describe a person’s current financial experience and class. The bottle on the far left is a bottle - almost full - that represents the upper end of the sliding scale spectrum. The bottle on the far right is a bottle - almost empty - that represents the lower end of the sliding scale spectrum.
For ease of reading, please find the statements from the bottles corresponding with the below:
I am comfortably able to meet all of my basic needs*.
I have expendable income*.
I have access to health care and financial savings.
I may have some debt but it does not prohibit attainment of basic needs.
I can afford a vacation or take time off. -
I am able to meet my basic needs*.
I have some expendable income*.
I have access to health care + some savings.
I may have some debt but it does not prohibit attainment of basic needs.
I can take an annual holiday without financial burden. -
I may stress about regularly meeting my basic needs but regularly achieve them.
I have some debt.
I have limited savings.
I have limited expendable income.
I have to actively save in order to take a holiday. -
I frequently stress about regularly meeting my basic needs and don’t always achieve them.
I have debt and it sometimes probhitis me from meeting basic needs.
I have no savings.
I have very limited or no expendable income.
I cannot afford a holiday or take time off without financial burden.
Other considerations while looking at the scale that are not included above, thanks to Little Bird Botanicals:
• are supporting children or have other dependents
• have significant debt
• have medical expenses not covered by insurance
• receive public assistance
• have immigration-related expenses
• are an elder with limited financial support
• are an unpaid community organizer
• are a returning citizen who has been denied work due to incarceration history -
• own the home you live in or rent a high luxury space
• have investments, retirement accounts, or inherited money
• travel for recreation
• have access to family money and resources in times of need
• work part time or are unemployed by choice, including unemployment due to full-time school in a degree-earning program
• have a relatively high degree of earning power due to level of education (or gender and racial privilege, class background, etc.)
I know the topic of money, especially self-assigning a tier for services, may feel uncomfortable. If you find yourself becoming anxious, please know this is intentioned as a trust-based scale. I will not be asking for proof of income and/or ask about your choices. If you fall within the 4th bottle and prices are still too high, please reach out to me. I’d be happy to work with you!